One of the reasons I started art weaving, was because I had so much handspun art yarn, and I was looking for creative inspiring ways to use it up. 

I found one of the best way to show that art yarn off is to us it as warp.

When you use art yarn as warp, you get to see lengths of your gorgeous hand spun in drapy uninterrupted lengths 

There are so many tricks to using art yarn as a warp.

Not sure where to begin? 

Wondering how to use art yarn on your rigid heddle, table or floor loom? 

What kind of art yarn will work as a warp?

Scared to use your precious handspun art yarn when you are not sure what to do?

Yeah, so was I...

You guys... I am sharing with you all that I have learned working with art yarn warps. Tips that will help that yarn pop, and not get lost in your woven fabric. 

I have distilled several years of trial and error into this one course. This is it! I am going to share with you some out of the box techniques, tips that will save you time and precious art yarn. You guys are going to love the results.

Check out what students are saying:

"Creative, fun class. Helps you breakout of the box. I learned a lot about yarn, texture, design and the creative process." ~Theresa

"Lots of fun and interesting ways to incorporate different materials into the warp!" ~Kim

"This class helped me see new possibilities for working with art yarn warps, and offered clear, specific instructions." ~Tanya

"This class inspired me to achieve more in my weaving than I had thought possible before.  Stacey is a brilliant teacher and I will certainly do more of her workshops." ~Isbel

"I am an experienced weaver of 30+ years and i learned some great tips! Have become way too mundane in my weaving. I am excited to get started on my own projects!" ~Koni